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From bakeries and food trucks to pop-up stores and more, Bolt POS is the go-to mobile POS system for successful startups and established businesses all across the country.<\/p>\r\n

Here\u2019s just a snippet of what our customers are saying about their experiences with Bolt.<\/p>\r\n\r\n


“Since using Bolt I\u2019ve seen my sales increase 20%!”<\/h3>\r\n\"quote\"

We\u2019ve been running a successful food truck company for many years, but we\u2019ve always been a strictly-cash business because of our mobile environment. Recently, more and more of my customers have been requesting to pay with a credit card, and I\u2019ve had to turn them away because I had no way to process a credit card payment; that is until I found Bolt POS! This easy-to-use tablet-based mobile cash register system not only allows my customers to pay with credit and debit cards; it allows me to keep track of all my sales data. Since using Bolt POS I\u2019ve seen my sales increase by 20%.”<\/p>\r\n

Matt W.<\/strong> | San Diego, CA<\/span><\/p>\r\n<\/div>


Bolt hits the sweet spot at Cindy\u2019s Bakery in Ohio<\/h3>\r\n\"quote\"

I have been searching for the right POS system for my bakery for quite some time but nothing seemed to meet my expectations; that was until I came across Bolt POS. The easy to use application allowed me to quickly train my employees and the extensive reporting suite gives me all the business data I need to efficiently and effectively run my business. And most importantly, the price is right!\u201d<\/p>\r\n

Cindy B.<\/strong> | Dayton, Ohio<\/span><\/p>\r\n<\/div>


Bolt POS and Pop-Ups: A match made in holiday heaven<\/h3>\r\n\"quote\"

Every year I set up a tent store in Bryant Park for the holiday season to sell my homemade candles and fragrance oils. A lot of my customers want to pay by credit card, so I needed to find a mobile point-of-sale solution; that\u2019s when I came across Bolt POS. Not only are my customers able to pay by credit card, but I can keep track of my entire inventory to ensure that I have enough stock on hand to fulfill the demands of the busy holiday season.”<\/p>\r\n

Susan C.<\/strong> | New York, New York<\/span><\/p>\r\n<\/div>


“We couldn\u2019t be more pleased with the results”<\/h3>\r\n\"quote\"

I\u2019m the owner of a photography studio and often times we are on location at events such as cheerleading competitions, school photos, youth sporting events and award dinners where we sell our photo packages and custom-printed memorabilia.<\/p>\r\n

We started using Bolt POS about a year ago to streamline and improve the order-taking process. Bolt also allows us to easily keep track of our customer purchases and products sold.<\/p>\r\n

In addition, we also have the ability to accept credit cards on location; we couldn\u2019t be more pleased with the results. Not only can we see the daily activity but we can also see the historical data of the same event from a previous year so we know how to prepare.\u201d<\/p>\r\n

Tony R.<\/strong> | Baltimore, Maryland<\/span><\/p>\r\n<\/div>